When my previous two dogs fell ill with cancer, I learned how important it was to stay organized. After those experiences, I became better prepared for future situations. It helped with Maddy’s recent illness.
The first thing I did was keep separate files for each pet. I have copies of health records. If my pets have blood work, I get a copy of the results. I keep notes in each file of any medicines they are taking. The goal is to be able to yank the file folder out of the cabinet and take it with me in an emergency situation. I would have all the medical information at my fingertips.
If one of my pets is experiencing a serious issue, I keep a separate folder. In that folder, I have all the information about the issue – medicines they are taking, blood work, et cetera. I insert a legal pad in the folder and note information about when medicines were administered, how much food they have eaten, et cetera. I keep meticulous notes about everything. You would be surprised how helpful some of the information is to a veterinarian, particularly an emergency vet who does not know your pet.
On the legal pad, be sure to take careful notes whenever the veterinarian speaks with you. If you are in a stressful situation, you may forget key things. You may be overwhelmed with emotion. Take good notes so you can refer to them later after you have a chance to calm down.
This may sound like overkill. It works, though. It is hard to make rational decisions and answer your vet’s questions when your pet is lying on a table, sick. Take the time to organize your records will make the whole experience a little bit more manageable.
Rescue Mommy
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