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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Lessons Learned

I cannot help but wonder, “Is there something I could have done differently?” whenever I think about poor Maddy. If you have been through a similar experience, you know how you wonder this about pets you have lost. You have to tread carefully. The key is to learn from the experience and use those lessons to care for your living pets. Honor the memory of your departed friend by being an even better parent and cherish the good memories you have. Do not wallow in the grief.

So, as I ponder the “what if” question, I have a few lessons to share with you. I hope you too can use these lessons to be a better parent to your furry friends.

I should have taken the weight issue much more seriously. I knew it was not healthy for her to be so overweight. I tried over the years to switch to different foods. I should have tried harder, though. It is difficult with two cats to monitor food intake. It takes extra work - separate feedings, taking away food, et cetera. I should have done it.

I also should have been diligent about weight checks. I checked her weight occasionally. I should have dedicated myself to checking it on a regular basis as I worked with the diet food to get her weight under control. I should have charted her weight and food intake from week to week.

I did not do these things, though. If we are honest with ourselves, I am sure all of us can say we do not even do these things for our own bodies, much less our pets.

So, what am I going to do going forward with Kiki and Gracie? I am going to keep a close eye on their weight, obviously. Their current weight is acceptable for their body types.

It is time for Kiki to have a checkup, so we will do a full blood panel and compare it to her last one. Given her age, I should consider taking her to the vet more frequently, so we can catch issues early. She will not live forever, but I can give her a good life while she is here.

As for Gracie, I will continue with her exercise regimen and keep a close eye on her weight too. Her next checkup is due in the fall.

Am I beating myself up about Maddy? Obviously, I am a little. However, I know this for certain: Maddy did not suffer. She had a warm home in the wintertime and a cool home in the summer, filled with lots of comfy beds, kitty condos, and cat toys. She had lots of good food to eat (clearly). Born to a stray momma, her life turned out very well, and how can you be sad about that?

Rescue Mommy

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