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Monday, July 9, 2012

How is Everyone?

As the saying goes, life goes on. Everyone is adjusting to life without Maddy around the house. Gracie seems to be the most impacted of all.

The first day or two after Maddy passed away, Gracie walked around the house. She smelled all the places where Maddy had been. It was as if she tried to figure out where Maddy was.

She is perceptive toward my moods. She has been extra snuggly. She is trying to be patient with Kiki, allowing her to sleep on the bed every night. I can tell she still hates it, though. She is happy to give Rescue Daddy an extra kiss too, but she is 100 percent my dog. It is all about making Mommy happy.

Kiki has been following us around the house more than usual. If she does not sit in one of our laps, she sits nearby. I am not sure if she misses Maddy or just wants to comfort us.

Whenever one of our furry friends passes, life is weird for awhile. If you are mourning too, please know that it will get easier. Focus on the happy times you had with your friend. Just keep swimming.

Rescue Mommy

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