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Friday, March 1, 2013

Ignorance is not Bliss

While at an adoption event recently, I heard a man complain to a friend that “they make it so hard to adopt.”  We all say stupid things and immediately wish we could pull the words back into our mouths.  I can only hope this was the case for this man. 

All you have to do is look around at all the animals available for adoption and realize WHY rescue groups spend so much time finding the right home.  These groups want a permanent home, not one where an animal is discarded again. 
If you are looking for a new friend, you can expect a long application at the local rescue group.  Around here, I have not seen anything under three pages.  You should also plan to answer some difficult questions and may even be subject to a home visit. 

You may think, “Hey, I am not one of these irresponsible idiots; I will provide a great home.”  I know that’s what I thought the first time I was grilled at Brother Wolf.  However, you must remember:  these people do not know you.  Do you think bad pet owners admit they are terrible??  No.  Everyone says they will be great pet parents.

So, smile and answer the questions honestly.  Have references available (yeah, some folks ask for that).  Know the telephone number of your vet – or establish a relationship with a new one before you visit if you do not have a veterinarian.  Yes, it can be a difficult process.  Look deeply into the eyes of the cat or dog you are adopting, and you will realize it is worth it.
Rescue Mommy

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