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Friday, March 22, 2013

Allergy Alert

Some parts of the country are still experiencing snow storms on a regular basis.  Here in the South, the grass has started to turn green.  The birds are singing.  The dogwood trees have thick buds ready to burst open.  Daffodils have spring from the earth and are in full bloom. 

Now is the time to pay a little extra attention to your buddy.  A lot of animals who experience the great outdoors have problems with seasonal allergies.  It makes sense if you think about it.  They are low to the ground, so their paws and bellies pick up lots of allergens.  Dogs constantly smell everything, so all that pollen just shoots right up their noses. 
All of this results in itchy skin, watery eyes, and sneezing.  Your pet may dig at the fur, resulting in patchy areas of missing fur.  They are in just as much misery as we humans are!
In most cases, antihistamines offer an effective, affordable solution to the problem.  Consult with your vet first.  Do not give your buddy over-the-counter medicines without his or her direction.  Your vet can tell you the exact product to use along with the proper dose.

Good luck!
Rescue Mommy

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