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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Kiki is an Old Lady

We know Kiki is old.  It seems she has been a part of our household forever.  She is so active, though.  Unlike a lot of old kitties, she does not spend the entire day sleeping.  She will patrol the house.  She will snuggle in your lap if Gracie is not being too difficult about it.  She carries around her “baby,” a little stuffed toy that she has always regarded as a kitten.  She still jumps onto the kitchen counter, albeit via the bar stool and then onto the counter. 

Her coat is black on top, with white underneath.  She is a walking Oreo cookie.  Over the last few months, we have noticed more gray hair in her face.  That’s it.  Otherwise, you would not guess she is an old cat.
I finally decided to look up Kiki’s medical records.  Because she is a rescue kitty, we do not know her exact age.  When we adopted her, the vet estimated she was about two or three years old.  We thought she was 1.5 years old.  If we use our guess, then Kiki is 18 years old.  We were stunned. 

We hope we are not jinxing ourselves by talking about how fit and healthy she is at 18.  The point of this post is simple.  If you are thinking about adopting an older cat, consider Kiki’s case.  Just because a cat is 10 years old, it does not mean that you will enjoy the kitty’s presence for only a couple of years.  That senior cat could live many, many more years.
As always, we want our furry children to live forever.  We wish Kiki continued health and hope we can look forward to more years with our feisty grand dame. 

Rescue Mommy

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