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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Tired Dog is a Happy Dog

While I was at the vet’s office with Maddy, I met a nice lady who had a terrified dog. We chatted a bit. I mentioned that I have a Jack Russell mix. She said they had Heelers and wondered what I did to keep Gracie happy. Both breeds are known for being high energy. Unfortunately, we did not have the opportunity for a lengthy chat. I hope you are reading!

I have found that consistent exercise is a big helper. Gracie gets two 20-30 minute walks each day. In the summer time, we usually go out again for a romp in the yard. She is older, though; this level of exercise satisfies her. A younger dog might want more play time.

Gracie is an exceptional dog. She is content to play with her toys and has not been destructive. Some dogs need a bit more to do, though. I have heard that dog puzzles are great tools. Here is a link to the Doctors Foster and Smith website so you can see what they are:

A trainer I visited a few months ago recommended these sorts of toys as great tools for your dog. I have not tried them with any of my dogs, so I cannot give a personal recommendation.

You could also try hiding treats around the house and telling your buddy to find them. I would recommend that your dog know and listen to the “stay” command first, though. I did this trick with Perdy and Dino who were not pros at the “stay” command. By the time I hid the last treat, they were two steps behind me. It sort of defeated the purpose of the exercise – to keep them entertained for awhile.

Active dogs might enjoy agility training too. (It is great exercise for you too!) A training facility in the Asheville area called “A Good Dog’s Life” used to offer agility classes. You could also try an Internet search for facilities in the area. Agility training is a popular thing.

No matter what course of action you take, the key is to be patient. A high energy dog can drive you nuts sometimes. Just remember – it is in their genetic makeup to do what they do. They cannot help it! They were bred to do a job, not sit on the couch and watch TV. We all need to move more, so put down the remote and take your buddy for walk. You will both be glad you did!

Rescue Mommy

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