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Friday, January 27, 2012

Progress, More Work Ahead

As you have read this week, the arrival of a new puppy in the neighborhood has caused quite a stir. Gracie’s reaction was quite shocking. Lately, I had noticed she did not like being around other dogs, yet nothing had happened like the first meeting with the new puppy.

The first time she saw the puppy, she lunged at it, barking and growling. She was clearly very upset. Her reaction was basically the same the second time. I do not think they are going to be best friends, particularly since the pup has decided to respond in kind.

I could be extremely upset and disappointed at Gracie reaction – and I am, to a certain degree. However, when I look at how far we have come, I realize there is a lot to celebrate.

As I may have mentioned in previous posts, Gracie has made a lot of progress in recent months. She finally trusts me fully. She is getting much better with recall (coming when I call), particularly in situations where she is highly focused on something other than me. Riding in cars is still not a favorite activity, but she is improving. Now, she does not bury her face; she raises her head and has even rolled over for a tummy rub. Sure, she still pants and trembles for awhile. It remains to be seen if she will ever truly love car rides.

After the incidents with the puppy, I reviewed notes and articles a trainer gave me for Gracie. The information dealt with fear-reactive dogs, which Gracie most likely is. The first thing you must do is have the dog look to you in uncertain situations. Until you can have the dog do that, it is difficult to do anything else. Well, she just started doing that over the last few months. Now, we can begin the serious work.

The whole point of this post is to tell you that training is never ending. It also can take a lot longer than you expect. Be patient. Celebrate the small victories. If you do not, then you can be easily discouraged and miss the whole point of what you are doing: creating a bond of love and trust with your furry buddy. Good luck!

Rescue Mommy

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