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Monday, October 17, 2011

An Unwelcome Stowaway

A few weeks ago, we went to Kiawah Island. Unfortunately, Gracie brought home an unwelcome stowaway: fleas.

This is the first time she has had fleas since she came to live with us. I just thought she had itchy skin, which she has during certain times of the year. While combing her, I found the little menace in her fur.

I had to wait a few days before I could apply a dose of flea medicine. In the interim, all I could do was bathe and comb her every night. As soon as I could apply the medicine, I did. I am happy to report that the fleas seem to be dying. She is scratching less each day.

You may wonder why I did not apply the medicine right away. Read the box carefully before applying the medicine. Most topical treatments can only be applied once every thirty days. Take the warning seriously.

When I was a new pet owner, I did not understand the seriousness of flea medicine. I applied a topical treatment to my Dalmatian Perdy. It was not working, so I decided to give her a bath in flea shampoo.

Well, that was just stupid. She stopped eating. I had overdosed her on flea meds! The vet told me to give her a very thorough bath to remove residue from the flea shampoo. I gave her boiled hamburger (gross) and rice because she would eat that. In a few days, she got better. Sadly, some pets are not so lucky.

Now, I am super diligent with flea medicines. While I was not crazy about waiting a few days, I would rather have an itchy dog than a dead one.

Rescue Mommy

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