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Monday, September 26, 2011

Traveling Solo

Unfortunately, Rescue Daddy could not join us on our island adventure until later in the week. This meant that Gracie and I travelled to Kiawah on our own. It is the first time she and I have done that. It was an interesting trip.

After the initial meltdown over being forced in the car, Gracie tucked into the seat and trembled for awhile. She would occasionally peek around if I slowed the car. Otherwise, she was content to bemoan her fate in silence.

At rest area stops, I left the car running and locked her inside. I confess I was a bit worried. Would someone steal the car? Would she flip out?

The first time I stopped, she did not take it well. She had a little meltdown on my return. She was sitting in the driver’s seat, trembling. However, the rest of the stops went well. She figured out that I was coming back for her. She waited for me in the driver’s seat, no more trembling. In fact, she rolled onto her back the last time and wanted a tummy rub for her troubles.

The return trip went smoother. It is almost as if she realized resistance was futile. The only problem we had was a rest stop in South Carolina. One of the workers informed us we should not be walking in a particular area. Oh, it was okay for them to smoke by the picnic tables and flick cigarette butts, but Gracie could not track her “dirty” paws through the pine needles and sand. Yeah, that’s fair.

I think the trip went well because I did a little advance planning. I figured out how to lock the car with the keys in the ignition (hey, those safety features are tricky) so that Gracie did not spend time trapped in a hot car. I planned where we would stop for breaks. And, most importantly, I prepared myself for a few meltdowns from Gracie and stayed patient. With a little planning, you can have a successful trip too.

Rescue Mommy

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