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Friday, April 8, 2011

We Visit an Animal Communicator

At the Pet Expo we attended last weekend, an animal communicator was there. For fifteen minutes, she would communicate telepathically with your pet and answer as many questions as she could. Since she donated 100 percent of her fee to a local rescue group, I decided to give it a try. If nothing else, a charity got some funds, and I got a laugh.

I wanted to know the answers to two questions: 1) does Gracie want a buddy? and 2) what can I do to relieve her anxiety?

I admit I was – and still am - cynical. Most of her responses seemed to be rather general. You could tell from looking at Gracie that she was an anxious dog. Of course, most of the thoughts in her head would be about going home.

She mentioned two things, though, that have me scratching my head. First, she correctly named the type and color of my car. My keys were not visible, and I am fairly confident she was already at the venue when I arrived.

Second, she said Gracie did not want a “barky” dog because she was not a barky dog. Terriers are known for being rather boisterous. Gracie is not. If she barks, we pay attention because there is usually a reason. That was interesting.

Will I be hiring her for future consultations? No. It is not my cup of tea. It was good fun, though. I still would like to know how she knew about my car.

Rescue Mommy

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