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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gracie's Delicate Matter

The most perplexing thing happened recently. I bought Gracie a round dog bed for our car rides. I thought it might protect the seat and give her a little extra comfort.

The bed was one of those eco beds. The stuffing was made from recycled bottles or something. It had a rubber bottom that would be great for cleanup and little grippy things on the bottom to keep the bed from sliding about in the car. Sounds perfect, right?

Well, how can I put this delicately? Gracie…ah, made the bed her boyfriend? Understand what I mean? She would exhibit this strange behavior and then urinate on it. I washed the bed, thinking some phantom scent was causing the problem. It did not matter. She did it again.

A friend of mine said that his cat would urinate on bathroom rugs with no-slip latex backing. The cat never urinated on any other rugs. When he removed all rugs with that type of backing, the urination stopped.

The same applies with Gracie. She has never done this with any other dog bed I have bought or made for her. Why am I telling you this? Dogs have extraordinarily sensitive noses. Rather than being cross at her for ruining the new bed, I simply removed it. There must be something in that eco material, fabric, rubber backing – who knows – that disagrees with her. I am not saying that all eco materials will evoke this reaction. I just thought it was strange and wondered if anyone else has experienced this sort of problem with their pet.

Rescue Mommy

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