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Monday, January 31, 2011

Grab That Leash and Go for a Walk!

I am writing this post on Sunday evening. Gracie is passed out on the sofa. She has been in a stupor for the last hour or so. The weather has been fantastic this weekend – sunshine, warm temps, and, most importantly of all, NO SNOW! We have been outside as much as possible, taking long walks and soaking in the wonderful weather while it lasts. I often say a happy terrier is a tired terrier. Judging by how loudly she is snoring, she must be ecstatic.

I am surprised that some people think a quick dash outside for a tinkle is enough exercise. These are the same people you see on dog training shows, complaining that little Fifi is wild or has destroyed furniture. The poor dogs often just need exercise. Think about it. How would you feel if you spent day after day after day, stuck in the house? Well, you probably already know, given the fabulous winter we have had. Now, imagine that every day of your life.

You do not have to take 30-minute hikes right away. Just grab the leash and walk around the block. Sure, your buddy might tug wildly the first few walks because she is excited to be outside. Keep it up. It will be good for your buddy. It will be good for you too. Happy walkies!

Rescue Mommy

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