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Monday, December 27, 2010

The Joys of Pet Ownership

It is 2:30 a.m. A fierce thunderstorm is raging outside. Flashes of lightning illuminate the bedroom. Thunder shakes the windows. Gracie is terrified.

She paces back and forth on the bed, panting and shaking. No matter what we do, nothing consoles her. Finally, she dives under the covers and claws her way to the foot of the bed. Occasionally, she pops out from under the covers and resumes her pacing routine on the bed. This little dance continues for the next hour.

It is 6:30 a.m. Kiki barfs a monstrous hairball near the bed. Gracie clamors to get off the bed, wanting to investigate. After many frantic shouts of “NOOOOO!!!” she desists and settles onto the bed.

It is 7:10 a.m. After an unsettled night’s sleep, I stumble into the living room. Gracie shows me that one of the cats has left a revenge poo-poo near her dog bed. Nice.

I wrestle with Gracie for a few minutes as I try to wiggle her into her harness. We go for our morning walk, which lasts almost an hour today. The storm has apparently washed away the pollen and exposed lots of fascinating smells. Also, Gracie must scold the evil dogs across the way for several minutes. She puffs her chest, snorts, and growls in her best Rottie imitation.

So, I ask you: are you truly ready to become a pet owner? The above is just a small glimpse of what you will experience. Yes, pets enrich our lives and bring so much joy. You also have to deal with the dirty, messy stuff, just as you do in your own life.

If you have a cat, kitty litter will be sprinkled throughout your house like magical fairy dust. Thanks to hairballs, cats barf more than dogs. Projectile vomiting seems to be their favorite way of doing it too. Last weekend, someone decided the living room curtains needed a “stripe.” Will it bother you to find random “presents” throughout your house?

If you have a dog, you must provide her with plenty of exercise and potty breaks. A consistent schedule reduces accidents – and destruction of the household. Are you prepared to stick to that schedule, even after a night I described above?

Pet ownership is a serious commitment. You are responsible for another life. We hardcore pet owners liken it to having children. Are you ready for the responsibility? If you are thinking about adding a pet to your family, please review the blog this week.

Also, many pets are being surrendered because their owners can no longer afford them. In this week’s blog, we will discuss the costs and present some ideas that might help you keep your pet.

Please share your thoughts and suggestions after each posting.

Rescue Mommy and Daddy

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