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Monday, October 11, 2010

What We Learned from the Puppy Experiment

Last week’s visit from the adorable puppy gave us some insights we would like to share with you. Hopefully, you will find them helpful if you too are considering the addition of a pet to your family. While we are discussing a dog, I am sure the same thought processes would be used if you were considering a cat.

We are incredibly grateful that the rescue group allowed us to bring the puppy home for a few days. When you adopt a pet, you are making a commitment that will last his or her lifetime. If you cannot provide the life he or she needs, you really should not adopt the pet. Tens of thousands of animals end up in shelters and with rescue groups every day because he or she was not the right fit for a family.

Since Gracie was a mother, we assumed she would be able to deal with the puppy. We thought she would know exactly what to do to correct the puppy and teach it what it needed to know. In hindsight, we realize how misguided that was. Let’s face it. Grandparents everywhere are happy to see their grandchildren. When the little kids leave with their parents, though, some grandparents are relieved to see them go because of the demands for attention and care. Why did we think that Gracie would be different?

In the excitement of having a puppy around the house, we found it a little difficult to assess Gracie’s reaction. Puppies are little whirlwinds. It is easy to spend more time watching the puppy (particularly one that is not housetrained) than paying attention to the other dog. We decided to use our camcorder to record their interactions. We watched the videos and closely analyzed Gracie’s behavior. It was apparent that, while she enjoyed playing for awhile, she could not cope with the constant need for play.

Gracie is much happier now that the puppy is not here. We are still debating whether or not to bring another dog into the house. However, we are looking at an older dog now. We still plan to do a trial visit before adoption. Ultimately, Gracie may tell us in her own way that she wants to be the only dog in the house. We are totally fine with that. After all, the whole experiment is about giving Gracie a better life.

Rescue Mommy & Daddy

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