We know that some people are adamant about getting certain
breeds and really do not like the whole shelter experience. We can understand that. Rescue pets might not be for everyone. PLEASE adopt from a responsible breeder if
you do this. Do not support a pet store,
where most of the animals come from puppy mills.
Visit www.akc.org for a
list of breeders for the particular breed you want. Be sure to thoroughly research the
breeder. Just because they have the AKC
designation, it does not necessarily mean they are responsible. Do your homework. You are starting a lifelong relationship.
And, for those of you who have pets, please be kind to them.
You are their world. Your actions define how they see other people
and how they will react to similar situations in the future. Please use positive training methods. Please provide them with the best food and
vet care you can afford; it is an investment that will help them later in life.
If times get tough, we encourage you to seek help from your
local rescue group. Lots of people have
turned to them for support. There is no
shame in doing it. In fact, they would
prefer you keep your pet and want to do whatever they can to help you.
We appreciated the opportunity to talk to you these last
three years. Who knows? We might pick up again in the future. For now, we are going to sign off by asking
you to hug your pet for us.
Best wishes and furry kisses,
Rescue Mommy, Rescue Daddy, Kiki, and Gracie